FREE BOOK OFFER: From Desire to Destiny by John S. Garfield
Want To Move From Your Heart's Desire To Fulfilling Your Destiny? 
Break Free From Mediocrity, Confusion And Missed Opportunities
A word from John Garfield...
Desire to Destiny is a guide through the organic steps we all go through to navigate our passion and purpose and land in an enterprise that has Kingdom value and is financially prosperous. 

Each of our lives have spiritual and business aspects and John holds your hand through the courageous process of giving yourself permission to do something great. There is a hero inside of you that wants to be celebrated for the contributions you can make. This book will help you take those practical steps toward your destiny.

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John Garfield was raised on a cattle ranch in Montana, a chemical engineer, manager, an author of three books, and a speaker, John is also prophetic, a lover of people, he has planted two churches. He connects hearts with entrepreneurial pursuits that have Kingdom and practical value and cash flow. People care deeply about the desires God wrote in their hearts. Reaching your dream and becoming authentic in your destiny is the number one metric for our success.

Husband, Father, Grandfather, Horse Enthusiast, World Traveler, People Lover, John and Sue have 4 children and seven grandchildren. Love the USA, very partial to Poland and the Netherlands. 
  What People Are Saying:
"...I was re-inspired by God's concept of reaching the world."
What a grace God has given you to be able to express the marketplace ministry in such a clear format. After reading your book I was re-inspired by God’s concept of reaching the world through 
our heart’s desires. I encourage you to read and re-read each chapter allowing the Holy Spirit to draw a map and point you in a new direction.  The Marketplace is truly where the breath of God is blowing. I encourage you to join in the fun and see God touch lives.

Dawnya S.
"...I could tell instantly what ignites John's heart
and passion."
John provides both a theological and practical framework for understanding
the potential of those in the marketplace. Barriers between work and faith—business and missions—are melting and God is using an unexpected platform to transform individuals, businesses, and nations. This book is a must read for business people as well as pastors and church leaders who desire to  know more about those who make up their congregations.

Mark C. 
"...confronts a good idea run amok.
Desire to Destiny confronts a good idea run amok. For too long the over emphasis on “waiting for God” has left many in the Body of Christ with the unbiblical belief that waiting is all we can do or are supposed to do as we stand still in anticipation that destiny will occur whether we do anything or not. John reminds us that we are to 
be co-laborers with God in transforming the kingdom that “is” into the kingdom “come.” To deny the responsibility God has entrusted to humanity in the management of the earth is to have a diminished 
view as to what the life of Jesus was about.
Linda B. 
How This All Got Started
Listen John's heart as explains his journey from being a "Knower" to becoming a "Seer" then a "Doer."

You are being invited on this journey as well. Find out just how God wired your heart. And then, makes some plans to unlock the secrets. 

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